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# Tutorials ![ ](../uploads/Tutorials/tutorials.png) For going throught the tutorials you will require * Luxinia 1.x * [Estrela/ZeroBraneStudio](Estrela.Estrela.md.html), our wxLua based editor serving as Luxinia IDE, code completion, api tooltips... (open-source/free). Or any other texteditor. * basic knowledge on Lua The tutorials won't cover much background information. It shows code which goes pretty straight to achieving a certain goal. ## Download The tutorials are distributed in a single project, that contains all sources and a simple frontend to start them (0.98 on), and have replaced the old "demos" framework. ## Web ready * [ Introduction to lua](Tutorials.Lua.md.html) * [ Basic Setup](Tutorials.Tutorial01.md.html) * [ Estrela for Luxinia](Tutorials.Estrela01.md.html) * [ Scenegraphs](Tutorials.Tutorial14.md.html) * [ Scene Setup](Tutorials.Tutorial02.md.html) * [ Models/Meshes](Tutorials.Tutorial18.md.html) * [ Input handling](Tutorials.Tutorial03.md.html) * [ Basic physics](Tutorials.Tutorial04.md.html) * [ Physics surface properties](Tutorials.Tutorial16.md.html) * [ Vehicle physics](Tutorials.Tutorial05.md.html) * [ Using models](Tutorials.Tutorial06.md.html) * [ Picking](Tutorials.Tutorial07.md.html) * [ A Simple UDP Server](Tutorials.Tutorial08.md.html) * [ GUI for the UDP Server](Tutorials.Tutorial09.md.html) * [ Tetris attack clone prototype](Tutorials.Tutorial12.md.html) * [ Stencil Shadows](Tutorials.Tutorial17.md.html) * [ Sprite animation with matobject](Tutorials.Tutorial19.md.html) * [ Project archives](Tutorials.Tutorial20.md.html) * [ Estrela for Cg](Tutorials.Estrela02.md.html) * [ Specular mapping shader](Tutorials.Tutorial22.md.html) * [ Material and Matobject](Tutorials.Tutorial23.md.html) ## Only documented code * [ Render2Texture and glow ](Tutorials.Tutorial24.md.html) * [ Postprocess filters ](Tutorials.Tutorial25.md.html) * [ Q3 map with levelmodel ](Tutorials.Tutorial28.md.html) * [ Vehicle with reflections ](Tutorials.Tutorial29.md.html) * [ User textures](Tutorials.Tutorial32.md.html) * [ Static particles](Tutorials.Tutorial34.md.html) * [ Usermeshes with vertexbuffer](Tutorials.Tutorial37.md.html) * [ Cuda and Luxinia (with C plugin .dll and source)](Tutorials.Tutorial38.md.html) * [ Render To VertexBuffer](Tutorials.Tutorial39.md.html) * [ scalararray and floatarray](Tutorials.Tutorial26.md.html) * [ Basic volume rendering](Tutorials.Tutorial40.md.html)